As we become more Spiritual in this recovery process, we are more willing to let go of the insistence that other people or life events be a certain way. We are better able to accept that the way things and people are this day, this moment in time, is actually acceptable. We can stop complaining and get on with knowing that all is well. There is a purpose and time for everything. Praying that “Thy will be done” is really the best approach. It is just the way it is. Relax in the awareness that life works perfectly when we let go. Breathe deeply. Be here now and enjoy the ride. This being alive thing is pretty great.
John Baldasare
John has a bachelors degree in Sociology and a masters degree in mental health counseling from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.
His 40 years professional experience in addictions and mental health programs includes roles of Therapist, Director, CEO, and Consultant in a variety of settings around the United States. He currently works as an independent contract consultant to treatment centers and related programs. He also does public speaking for advocacy groups, civic clubs, treatment programs, and schools.