Sprituality: Recovery Value Five

Sprituality: Recovery Value Five

As we become more Spiritual in this recovery process, we are more willing to let go of the insistence that other people or life events be a certain way. We are better able to accept that the way things and people are this day, this moment in time, is actually...

Spirituality: The Fifth Recovery Commitment

As we reach the Fifth Level of recovery, it is apparent that much has changed. There is more peace in our personal world, less conflict and chaos. We find that we are grateful. Faith abounds. We can trust our intuition and instincts. Life seems to work on our behalf....
Spirituality: The Fifth Recovery Commitment

Spirituality: The Fifth Recovery Commitment

The afflictions of addiction, traumatic stress, and mental illness brings a depth of sickness, loneliness, un-ability, guilt, and shame (lower s.l.u.g.s.) that result in a spiritual bankruptcy. This means hope is lost and despair reigns supreme. To fully recover...
Spirituality Day

Spirituality Day

What is “living in the Light of the Spirit”? It involves living fully in the here and now, completely present in the moment. It is about having an attitude of gratitude, being thankful for all that we have been given. It means that through prayer and...