Sprituality: Recovery Value Five

Sprituality: Recovery Value Five

As we become more Spiritual in this recovery process, we are more willing to let go of the insistence that other people or life events be a certain way. We are better able to accept that the way things and people are this day, this moment in time, is actually...
Growth: Recovery Value Four

Growth: Recovery Value Four

This level of recovery challenges us to become better. We want to be better at being who we are, how we function in the world, how we perform in our relationships and various life roles. There is an opportunity to improve every aspect of our lives. By being engaged in...
Unity: Recovery Value Three

Unity: Recovery Value Three

Thank Goodness for the 12 Step programs and other support groups available to aid in the recovery process. It is hard to imagine a world without them. Any addict, trauma survivor, or mentally ill person would simply be without one of the greatest resources for...
Love: Recovery Value Two

Love: Recovery Value Two

So, a person gets Sober (addiction), Safe (trauma), and/or Stable (mental ills), and what happens next? Someone, usually a counselor in a treatment setting, steps up and says “I am with you in this and you can do it. We will walk together in this process and see...