Five Steps from Addiction to Recovery
Love: Second Level Recovery
When we talk about healing, we must talk about Love. Most everyone will acknowledge that Love has healing power. It is so much better than the absence of Love. In addiction, trauma, and mental illness, there exists perceptions by some others that are quite negative, blaming, and stigmatizing. These views must be overcome in order to be in any way helpful to those suffering these conditions. Not everyone can be helpful. Pick your caregivers and friends carefully. Be with the Lovers, not the hurters. Let Love be.
Spirituality: The Fifth Recovery Commitment
The afflictions of addiction, traumatic stress, and mental illness brings a depth of sickness, loneliness, un-ability, guilt, and shame (lower s.l.u.g.s.) that result in a spiritual bankruptcy. This means hope is lost and despair reigns supreme. To fully recover through the process of gaining Sobriety (Safety for trauma, Stability for mental ills), Love, Unity, Growth, and Spirituality (Higher S.L.U.G.S.) results in peace of mind and happiness. This is something to celebrate. Grateful for the Grace that brought us home, we willingly assist others in discovery of this solution. More Grace and Peace results. Lives are saved. Quality of life is enhanced.